Chains gay bar chicago halsted

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Steamworks Baths (3246 N Halsted St, Boystown) Local outpost of the international chain of bathhouses. Touché (6412 N Clark St, Rogers Park) Chicago’s classic leather bar, since 1977. The SoFo Tap (4923 N Clark St, Uptown) A leather-friendly neighborhood bar SOuth of FOster with an outdoor patio that packs ’em in in the summer. Sidetrack (3349 N Halsted St, Boystown) Very leather-friendly Boystown bar with extremely popular Show Tunes on Sundays. The Jackhammer Complex (6406 N Clark St, Rogers Park) A dancey bar for Leathermen and bears. The Hole (6406 N Clark St, Rogers Park) Downstairs at the Jackhammer is the total pig-fest appropriately named The Hole with strict dress-code policies on weekends. The Granville Anvil (1137 W Granville Ave, Edgewater) Dive bar on the Far North Side that gets major points for the clever name. Dress code enforced in the back for CODE Night on first Saturdays. linkĬell Block (3702 N Halsted St, Boyston) A bar in Boystown with porn in the back. Hot-spot neighborhoods: Boystown, Lake View, Rogers Parkĭrink Fuck Shake Buy Crash Eat Pump Trim Ink Hang See Plan WHERE TO DRINK (AND CRUISE)īig Chick’s (5024 N Sheridan Rd, Margate Park) A leather-friendly neighborhood bar particularly popular on Thursdays (Bear Den every 3rd Thursday) and Fridays.

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Leather Central in the center of the States. And it’s not just the wind that’s blowing.

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