Grand central gay bar baltimore

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The drag community can’t be allowed to fizzle out in Baltimore. “Supporting local drag is important to us. 2016, due in large part to the closing of Club Hippo, according to Bryson Keens, managing partner of the Fells Point restaurant that specializes in Latin cuisine. Point South Latin Kitchen has been throwing successful drag brunches and bingo nights since Sept. “If it becomes just a regular bar - something that you can find in Canton or Fells Point? No, I will not support that,” Chavis said.Īs dedicated gay bars have dwindled, other establishments have been filling the void with events like drag shows and gay nights. And he bristles at the thought of Grand Central turning into a straight establishment.

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Still, Chavis wishes that he could have more gay clubs to frequent. And when they go out, chances are you’ll find them at The Brewer’s Art or Owl Bar.

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